Nuevo Manual de Design Studio con SAP Netweaver

Me encontré con este excelente manual para poder entender el uso de SAP Design Studio.

Les recomiendo que lo lean porque es una de las pocas herramientas existentens para poder explotar la información de SAP HANA directamente sin intervención de objetos de BO como puede ser un Universe.

Les paso el detalle del libro, les aclaro que se encuentra en inglés y cuesta sólo 10 dólares:

"- How connect SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio to SAP NetWeaver BW and SAP HANA
- How to navigate the new design environment from SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio
- How to create from simple to complex dashboards
- How to integrate typical SAP NetWeaver BW functionality, such as Exceptions, Conditions, and Currency Conversion into your dashboard
- How to create your own dashboard and application templates

This is the definitive source for information on SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio and it provides you with a comprehensive functional overview,
data connectivity guidance, and basic/advanced usage scenarios.

The complete book is written in a very simple to follow step by step approach with a lot of examples that can be leveraged right away.

This is the 10th book of the author in the area of integrating SAP BusinessObjects BI products with SAP NetWeaver BW and he shares his experience and knowledge from several global customer projects in this eBook."

Pueden adquirirlo clickeando en la imagen o ingresando aquí: Mastering SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio with SAP NetWeaver BW

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